Mar 12, 2010

La ideología es más fuerte

No se pierdan esta columna en Reason:

Even if Democrats extract the votes to put ObamaCare over the top, it will at best be a Pyrrhic victory for them. Regardless of the outcome, this monstrosity might cost the Democrats the Congress this November, ruin the party for a long time, and prematurely render Barack Obama a lame duck president for the rest of his term.


Pushing ObamaCare was an astonishing misjudgment, the domestic policy equivalent of President Bush launching a full-scale preemptive strike against Iran after embroiling the country in Iraq and Afghanistan. But why don't progressives get that this is terrible economic timing? Because this is the moment they have been waiting for since Lyndon Johnson enacted Medicare. Never mind that the economy then, unlike now, was booming. What matters is they have in the White House as sympathetic a president as they can ever hope to get—combined with sizable margins of Democrats in both chambers. Republicans, moreover, have been thoroughly discredited on both foreign and domestic policy having presided over two unpopular wars and a financial meltdown of epic proportions. In short, the political stars have never been—and likely never will be—aligned more auspiciously in the progressives' lifetime, and they will be damned if they'll allow quotidian worries about the economy or anything else to stop them. It is now or never.

1 comment:

  1. Me parece razonable. Me gustaría que los Republicanos tuviesen ese empuje para bajar el gasto, para eliminar la EPA, para quitarle poder al gobierno federal, para implantar el flat tax, para privatizar la social security, para terminar con las prohibiciones a buscar petróleo e instalar plantas nucleares, para poner las escuelas con vouchers, etc.


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