May 11, 2010

El Hombre Plancha 2

Ya vieron Iron Man 2 ? No se si alquilarmela o verla en el cine. Me llamó la atención la perspectiva del Doctor Zero sobre la película :

[...] Superhero comics generally slant more to the Left than recent movie adaptations. It could be said the best superhero movies feature the same direct and earnest heroism as the Golden Age comics. Like early comic books, the superhero movie is still introducing itself to its audience. The characters haven’t been overexposed and eroded through complex re-inventions, leading lazy writers to inject leftist cant into their stories, in a desperate attempt to seem relevant and high-minded. Average folks who enjoy “Iron Man 2” this weekend would be utterly baffled by the portrayal of a nearly fascist Tony Stark in the recent “Civil War” storyline running through Marvel Comics. An industry that flirts with the idea of Captain America charging into battle against the Tea Party has lost touch with its roots, and taken leave of its senses. Fortunately, the superhero movies are giving us cleaner, more coherent interpretations of these great characters. [...]

Iron Man is the most perfectly American superhero, next to Captain America, whose own movie is on the way. The armored avatar of resourcefulness and ingenuity,
Tony Stark does what capitalists always do, in the long run: create incredible possibilities, far beyond the narrow vision of politicians with constituencies to appease. He understands that no one else can lift the burden of responsibility from his shoulders, and he’ll be damned before he lets anyone take it by force. His marvelous suit of armor is his defiant statement that threats to his loved ones and fellow citizens are no longer Somebody Else’s Problem. He doesn’t want to run for office, but he’s a perfect American leader nonetheless – funny, creative, maddening, indomitable, in love with himself and everyone around him, and completely uninterested in blaming anyone else for his troubles. He cleans up his own mistakes. I’d vote for him.

Espero que el INCAA se dé por enterado y financie "Capitan LatinoAmerica", el superhéroe comprometido con la autodeterminación de los pueblos, con su escudo que desvía las responsabilidades, y su rayo culpabilizador.


  1. Esta también es especial para ustedes:

  2. En Argentina, sale en DVD al día siguiente del estreno.

    Una vez escuché a un vendedor de DVDs truchos ofrecer dos versiones del mismo estreno, una "con cabeza" y otra "sin cabeza"... refiriendose a las cabezas de los espectadores en la sala de cine donde la "filmaron".

    Ahora, para verla con mejor calidad, hay que esperar a que salga en DVD en USA. Al dia siguiente "sale" en Argentina.

    Third World full full con airbag y condensador de flujo.

  3. No hay caso, Argentina a la vanguardia de la tecnología mundial, tal como lo prometió nuestro amado líder el Néstor.

  4. Ay, Mike@! Todavía me estoy riendo con eso de "con cabeza" o "sin cabeza".

    Me recordó instantáneamente a "con hueso o sin hueso?" (chiste viejo, si los hay)


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