Jun 6, 2010

Jay Nordlinger:

People say, with increasing frequency, “Why should there be a Jewish state? Isn’t that kind of racist — undemocratic?” There are 57 members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference — almost 60 states that identify themselves specifically as Muslim. The world has no problem with them: only with the tiny, dusty sliver that identifies itself as Jewish. The Jews were storm-tossed, homeless, for 2,000 years — dependent on the goodwill of host nations, dependent on the kindness of strangers. And yet the world begrudges their one dinky state.

We have no problem with Thais in Thailand; we have no problem with Senegalese in Senegal; we have a problem with Jews in Israel — never mind the 1.5 million Arabs who live there, enjoying rights that are unknown to most Arabs elsewhere.


  1. La última frase "enjoying rights that are unknown to most Arabs elsewhere" es lo más relevante, viendo como algunos tienen la caradurez de comparar la política exterior de Israel con la Alemania nazi.

  2. 10% del parlamento israeli es arabe

  3. Cállense, agentes pagos del Mossad.

  4. Che, ¿por qué no huyen de tanta explotación los árabes de Israel?

    Seguramente no los dejan, como en Cuba.


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