Aug 9, 2010

Acá en Canadá, por lo menos a nivel gubernamental, está claro que hacen falta más niños. Por ahí pasa el justificativo oficial de los esfuerzos para atraer inmigrantes.

En Québec, en los últimos años hubo un aumento interesante, aunque no suficiente, de la tasa de natalidad. Espero que por lo menos se mantenga:

Societies that cannot replace their populations discourage investment and innovation. They have stagnant or shrinking markets for goods and services. With older populations, they resist change. For a country to stabilize its population -- discounting immigration -- women must have an average of about two children. That's a "fertility rate" of two. Many countries with struggling economies are well below that. Japan's fertility rate is 1.2. Italy's is 1.3, as is Spain's. These countries are having about one child for every two adults.

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