Aug 5, 2010

Christopher Hitchens, sobre su cáncer.


  1. pobre hitch, un grande

  2. No entiendo como se lo descubrieron en una etapa tan avanzada. Nunca se hizo un chequeo ?

  3. Dos bits de wikipedia

    Hitchens is a secular humanist, describing himself as an anti-theist, and a believer in the philosophical values of the Age of Enlightenment. One of his most famous arguments opposing theism is that the concept of God or a supreme being is a totalitarian belief that destroys individual freedom.

    Muy bien. Ahora, comparar con :

    Hitchens was and still is a strong admirer of Cuban revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara, commenting that "[Che's] death meant a lot to me and countless like me at the time, he was a role model, albeit an impossible one for us bourgeois romantics insofar as he went and did what revolutionaries were meant to do — fought and died for his beliefs.

    y con :

    He continues to regard both Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky as great men, and the October Revolution as a necessary event in the modernization of Russia.[18][24] In 2005, Hitchens praised Lenin's creation of "secular Russia" and his destruction of the Russian Orthodox Church, describing it as "an absolute warren of backwardness and evil and superstition.

    Conclusiones :

    1) Hay totalitarismos buenos y totalitarismos malos.

    2) El fanatismo religioso es superstición, pero el fanatismo del Che y de Lenin es aceptable.

    3) La destrucción de la libertad individual por los colectivismos de izquierda no merece mención, pero cuando lo hace la religión se vuelve condenable.

    COmo dicen en USA, es un mixed bag.

  4. Así es Hitchens... Es contradictorio y ridículo en algunas cuestiones. Eso sí, es siempre un deleite leerlo.


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