Sep 3, 2010

¿Estado más eficiente o menos estado?

¿Lo malo es menos malo si más eficiente?

Private businesses obtain their revenue through voluntary exchange: consumers willingly give a business their money in return for a product. Businesses must control the cost of providing a product in order to maximize profits. A business that does not adequately control its costs can find itself undercut by a competitor offering a like product at a lower price. In the private sector, the market sets the price of a product through the interaction of supply and demand.

Government is unconcerned with “profit.” The “cost” of government is equal to the taxes extracted from the private sector to pay for government activities, plus the economic damage caused by extracting resources from the private sector. Taxes are involuntarily obtained through compulsion and force. Regardless of the value a citizen assigns to the services provided by government, a citizen must pay for those services, and at a price set by government. The price one pays for government is primarily a function of political factors, which are only indirectly influenced by economic considerations.

Therefore, the question of how efficiently government provides services is less important than deciding what services government should provide. For example, it matters little how quickly the USDA processes subsidy checks for farmers. More important is whether farmers should be receiving subsidy checks at all.


  1. Buen post!
    Pasa el test de pureza, aka, liberalometro.

  2. El otro día salió el en diario la cantidad de miles de millones de euros anuales que el estado de grecia pagaba a supuestos jubilados de más de 100 años. Una cantidad de gente centenaria realmente descomunal.

    y nadie en el estado de grecia se fijó en eso.

    no miran ni donde tiran la plata.

    Para los estatales es más facil salir a apretar giles que laburan que mirar donde se tira la plata.

    pensás que el estado se va a preocupar en la eficiencia??

    estamos alimentando a un monstruo que va creciendo a medida de que recauda.

    si eso pasó en grecia, imaginate el descontrol que debe ser en argentina.

    no por nada, hay tantos adictos al dinero facil estatal.

  3. Para los políticos/funcionarios, la plata de los contribuyentes son billetitos de El Estanciero.


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