May 14, 2011

Herman Cain, el próximo presidente de EEUU ? (repost)

Muy interesante candidatura.

No se olvide, señora, usted lo leyó primero en el Opinador Compulsivo.

Conozca a Herman.


  1. After completing his master's degree from Purdue, Cain left the Department of the Navy and began working for The Coca-Cola Company as a business analyst. In 1977, he joined Pillsbury where he rose to the position of vice president by the early 1980s. He left his executive post to work for Burger King – a Pillsbury subsidiary at the time – managing 400 stores in the Philadelphia area. Under Cain's leadership, his region went from the least profitable for Burger King to the most profitable in three years. This prompted Pillsbury to appoint him president and CEO of Godfather's Pizza, another of their then-subsidiaries. Within 14 months, Cain had returned Godfather's to profitability. In 1988, Cain and a group of investors bought Godfather's from Pillsbury. Cain continued as CEO until 1996, when he resigned to become CEO of the National Restaurant Association – a trade group and lobby organization for the restaurant industry – where he had previously been chairman concurrently with his role at Godfather's.[6]
    Cain became a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in 1992 and served as its chairman from January 1995 to August 1996, when he resigned to become active in national politics.[7]

    lo que se dice una carrera meteórica!

  2. despues de informarme un poco, creo que a este señor si lo voto para Presidente!! (me gustó...)

  3. Con este se les cae la unica carta a Obama: el racismo...

    Aguante HERMAN!

    (Suerte que no se llama Hermin, demasiadas connotaciones traeria)

  4. La carta del racismo la van a jugar igual, acusándolo de ser un Tío Tom que traiciona a sus hermanos de raza.

    El tipo viene muy bien en algunas encuestas preliminares, lástima que no parece tener mucho resto económico para la campaña de las primarias.

    Se imaginan una fórmula Cain - Palin ? Los progres en USA sufrirían una epidemia de aneurismas cerebrales.

  5. Cain - Palin parece una fórmula radical. Balbín, Alfonsín, Contín...

  6. Nestor, may your mouth move to one side.

  7. Me cae simpatico. Pero ojo, vi los videos de el y hay que tener cuidado con que no lo sobrevendan. Entre este, Richie de New Jersey y Paul Ryan esta el candidato republicano en el 2012. Agarrate Obama (con cualquiera de los 3).

    Atras quedaron el hindu de Louisiana y, mal que le pese a algunos, Palin (a mi no me pesa, porque me cae MUY simpatica pero no puede ganar la eleccion ni en pedo).



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