Feb 24, 2012

Burocracia, Greek style

Jóvenes emprendedores griegos intentan armar un negocio de venta de aceite de oliva por internet.

Hilarity ensues.

Antonopoulos and his partners spent hours collecting papers from tax offices, the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the municipal service where the company is based, the health inspector’s office, the fire department and banks. At the health department, they were told that all the shareholders of the company would have to provide chest X-rays, and, in the most surreal demand of all, stool samples.

Once they climbed the crazy mountain of Greek bureaucracy and reached the summit, they faced the quagmire of the bank, where the issue of how to confirm the credit card details of customers ended in the bank demanding that the entire website be in Greek only, including the names of the products.

“They completely ignored us, however much we explained that our products are aimed at foreign markets and everything has to be written in English as well,” said Antonopoulos.
Léanlo todo...


  1. La Argentina del sur de Europa. El problema de Grecia es que tiene un estado ausente, la solución es más estado, no menos.

  2. Carajo, hasta en Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua y Bolivia es mas simple -__-", después se preguntan como es que no producen.

  3. Louis, ya lo están arreglando, el problemita de la deuda lo arreglan con unos 230,000 millones de Euros más de préstamos.


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