May 31, 2012

Una dictadura con rostro humano sigue siendo una dictadura

El estado/gobierno – en el fondo, un funcionario – no tiene derecho a decirte cómo tienes que vivir tu vida, ni aunque sea por tu bien:

There is a serious point in all of this, of course, and it has to do with how some people view the role of government in a free country. Some, like Mayor Bloomberg, see government as a nanny. They lack faith in the people who elected them. They figure they don’t know what’s good for them, so government has to pass laws to make sure the dummies don’t do dumb things – like drink the wrong drinks or eat the wrong foods.

But if government can implement rules like that, what can’t government do? Can it make you eat fruits and vegetables every day? Before you say “Of course not,” why not? Soda is bad for you. Fruits and vegetables are good for you. In the nanny state, a law mandating that you eat well makes sense.

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