El gasto público es inflexible a la baja, el único camino que queda es buscar fuentes de financiamiento adicionales.
Pagar impuestos es de patriotas, cuanto más impuestos se pagan, más patriota se es:
Far from some enlightened institution, taxation began when conquerors realized that formal and continuing appropriation of a subject population's wealth was preferable to hit-and-run pillaging. For this to work, however, the rulers needed to convince the peasants that the regime would protect them from predators in return for their regular remittances. That's right: It was a protection racket, from which the racketeers and their cronies profited handsomely. For the taxpayers, there was little choice in the matter. They weren't buying protection as people buy insurance in the market, and they weren't paying dues as they would later pay dues to mutual-aid societies. They paid or they were punished. The ideology of benevolent state protection reduced enforcement costs because the ruled outnumbered the rulers and widespread tax resistance would have doomed the regime. Things have changed little in our time.
Propongo un ejercicio.
ReplyDeleteCambiar "patriota" por "boludo" y ver qué se siente.
Por supuesto habrá quién sostenga -sin ningún fundamento científico- que los impuestos son el precio a pagar por vivir en sociedad. Primera mentira colectivista. El impuesto sólo es el tributo que paga el esclavo al amo. No es otra cosa.
Colectivismo y psicopatía van de la mano.
Las crisis -reales o ficticias- son las oportunidades muy bien aprovechadas por los psicópatas para hacer su propio deseo, erigiéndose en supuestos "pilotos de tormentas", muchas veces éstas, generadas por éllos mismos.
Absolutamente, Don Pero, es un disparate, ya no saben qué inventar para que les sigan financiando la joda.