(Gráfico de Gateway Pundit)
Como ya comenté varias veces por acá, en Canadá pasa exactamente lo mismo en relación a Afganistán. A pesar de que el número de bajas es mucho menor, cada muerte en ese teatro de operaciones acerca el momento en que Canadá se retirará del conflicto.
Es comprensible que la opinión pública reaccione de esa manera. Cada muerte es sin duda una tragedia irreparable. Esa percepción, netamente occidental, está directamente relacionada al valor que tiene la vida humana en nuestra civilización, que lamentablemente no tiene un paralelo en otras civilizaciones donde las personas son poco menos que descartables:
One way the media distort Americans' view of the ongoing war against terrorists is by focusing on just one side in the conflict: ours. Whether it's the daily body count or alleged abuses at Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo, the public could be forgiven for thinking the U.S. is not only losing the war, but behaving badly in doing so.
But neither is true. This year, for instance, the U.S. has killed roughly 650 terrorists a month, according to published reports and Defense Department estimates. That compares with about 37 U.S. combat deaths per month, through May.
The ratio, thus, is about 18 terrorists killed in combat for every allied soldier killed. And that doesn't include the current offensive in Diayala Province, Operation Arrowhead Ripper, which dispatched 159 enemy combatants in just the first five days.
Since the war began, we've lost about 70 troops a month. This compares with 526 a month in Vietnam, more than 900 a month in Korea and 6,639 a month during World War II.
In other words, by any meaningful metric employed, the U.S. is winning this war. But it will never be reported that way.
tiras otro tiro y me voy a la mierda...y no te doy mas bola