Nov 6, 2007

Esta semana el Capitolio va a estar interesante

Dennis Kucinich (60) -en la foto con su esposa de 29 anos- congresista de Ohio, es candidato a presidente por el partido Democrata.

Kucinich (quien ha cuestionado la salud mental del Presidente Bush por declarar que un Iran nuclear puede precipitar una tercera guerra mundial) durante el ultimo debate Democrata confirmo que la historia que relata la actriz Shirley McLaine en su autobiografia, acerca de que Kucinich vio un OVNI, es cierta.

Ahora Kucinich introdujo una resolucion en el Congreso para juzgar al Vicepresidente Cheney por subversivo. Los Democratas trataron de bloquearla, pero los Republicanos hicieron lo que yo hubiera hecho, votaron junto al ala mas progre de los Democratas y la aprobaron!


  1. "Dennis Kucinich admitted during the debates the other night that he had seen a UFO up close. See, Dennis Kucinich doesn't seem like the type of guy who would see a UFO, he seems like the kind of guy you'd see coming out of a UFO." --Jay Leno

    "Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich says that he once had an encounter with a UFO. Apparently, several weird looking, little men got off the ship, saw Kucinich, and said, 'It's alright. He's one of us.'" --Conan O'Brien

    "When the Associated Press asked all the candidates what their dream job would be if they couldn't be president, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson said his dream job would be center fielder for the New York Yankees. Joe Biden said he wanted to be an architect. And Dennis Kucinich said his dream is to grow up and one day become a real, live boy" --Jay Leno

    "Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich is in the hospital for food poisoning. You ever see Kucinich? Doesn't he always look like he always has food poisoning?" --Jay Leno

  2. Que tendra ese petiso, que comentan las mujeres.

    Ricky Maravilla
    Cantautor norteño

  3. Lo digo en serio, el Partido Demócrata necesita muchas más personas como Dennis Kucinich.

  4. La señora debería bajarse del banquito porque el tipo parece llavero a su lado.

    Sergio Flores


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