Aug 8, 2008

Best Obama

1 Every now and then, Obama opens his eyes and the world springs into existence.
2 When a tree falls in the forest, Obama hears it.
3 Obama can clap with one hand.
4 Prometheus was punished for plagiarizing Obama.
5 Obama can make a journey of a thousand miles without a single step.
6 Socks worn by Obama are used for climbing walls in Spiderman movies.
7 Hillary Clinton dropped out of the race when she learned Obama's true name.
8 "Obama" is the very first word in the English language to be a verb, adjective, noun, pronoun, adverb, interjection, superlative and pronad. (Pronad is a new category made specifically for the word "Obama" so its power can be fully realized).
9 When Obama squints dreamily into the distance, he can see next week's lottery winning numbers. But he never plays because that would mean poverty of ambition.
10 Obama can calculate your guilt just by looking at the numbers in your checkbook.


  1. Obama gana, Obama pierde, Obama se tira un p..., Obama se va de vacaciones, Obama es esto, Obama es lo otro.
    Nunca vi que se nombrara tanto a un candidato. Quizá su nombre extraño tendrá que ver.

  2. "Obama can calculate your guilt just by looking at the numbers in your checkbook."

    Muy bueno.


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