Sep 3, 2008

Peggy Noonan está convencida de que la izquierda va a tratar de deshacerse de Palin cuanto antes:

Because she jumbles up so many cultural categories, because she is a feminist not in the Yale Gender Studies sense but the How Do I Reload This Thang way, because she is a woman who in style, history, moxie and femininity is exactly like a normal American feminist and not an Abstract Theory feminist; because she wears makeup and heels and eats mooseburgers and is Alaska Tough, as Time magazine put it; because she is conservative, and pro-2nd Amendment and pro-life; and because conservatives can smell this sort of thing -- who is really one of them and who is not -- and will fight to the death for one of their beleaguered own; because of all of this she is a real and present danger to the American left, and to the Obama candidacy.


  1. La izquierda está cometiendo bajezas increíbles para desprestigiar a Palin. El NYT es una vergüenza.

  2. Esta mujer es cualquier cosa menos patriota, sino no se explica como pertenecio a un partido que apoyo la secesion de Alaska...

  3. Entonces los Padres Fundadores no eran "patriotas" porque eran secesionistas...

  4. salvo que la historia acerca del partido secesionista es mentira...esperen cualquier cosa de la prensa liberal.

  5. Y la afectará lo del partido secesionista.
    Yo no veo nada malo en eso.


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