Sep 20, 2008

USA'08: A la mierda con Harvard...para eso tenemos los Community Colleges

Bush 41: Yale; Clinton: Georgetown, Oxford, Yale; Bush 43: Yale, Harvard. Now we have Obama: Columbia, Harvard. Our country can't afford another one of these clowns. Harvard isn't the answer, Harvard is the problem


  1. Ninguno de Oregon State? sniffff... (el otro dia el diario local con todo realismo decia "ni sueñen con que alguno de los candidatos viene por aca a hacer campaña...")

  2. Lo mejor de Oregon son los Portland Trail-Blazers, Dolores.

  3. Es que en Oregon gana el mesías de cabeza por eso nadie va a ese estado.

  4. Muy buen art´piculo:

    When The New York Times, CNN, the NBC basket of basket cases and all the barking blog dogs insult Palin, they're insulting us. When they smear her, they're smearing every American who actually works for a living, who doesn't expect a handout, who doesn't have a full-time accountant to parse the family taxes, who believes in the Pledge of Allegiance and who thinks a church is more than just a tedious stop on daughter Emily's 100K wedding day.


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