Oct 6, 2008

The race is over

En el site de Slate, William Saletan dice que las encuestas muestran a McCain tan rezagado, que no hay ninguna posibilidad de que gane. La elección ya está definida.

Ahhhmm, un momento. Esto fue hace ocho años, y él se estaba refiriendo a George W. Bush.

Since Labor Day, the media have released about 20 polls on the presidential race. Three show a dead heat, one shows George W. Bush leading by a single percentage point, and the rest show Al Gore leading by one to 10 points. In the latest polls, Gore leads by an average of five points. It’s fashionable at this stage to caution that “anything can happen,” that Bush is “retooling,” and that the numbers can turn in Bush’s favor just as easily as they turned against him. But they can’t. The numbers are moving toward Gore because fundamental dynamics tilt the election in his favor. The only question has been how far those dynamics would carry him. Now that he has passed Bush, the race is over.

Visto en LGF

1 comment:

  1. Hay que esperar. La cantidad de fruta que mandan los encuestadores es inversamente proporcional a la proximidad de la fecha de las elecciones.


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