Feb 18, 2009

La boca se te haga a un lado

De los recomendados de Francisco D'Anconia. Hace unas semanas colgué un artículo similar pero ahora no lo puedo encontrar. ¿Le espera a EEUU un destino argentino?

Espero sinceramente que no:

It is hard, looking at the basket case Argentina has become, to imagine what an economic powerhouse the country was before World War II. From the 1880s, Argentina was, alongside the U.S. itself, a prime destination for European migrants. Buenos Aires was one of the world’s largest metropolitan areas, in a select club that included London, Paris, Berlin, and New York City. Argentina benefited mightily from foreign investment, which it used wisely to create a strong infrastructure and an excellent system of free mass education. It had the largest and most prosperous middle class in Latin America. When World War I began, Argentina was the world’s tenth wealthiest nation.

Right up to the 1940s, American and European economists struggled to explain the glaring contrast between booming Argentina and slothful Australia. As many studies pointed out, both countries had begun at a roughly similar point, as agricultural producers dependent on fickle world markets. Yet Australia remained stuck in colonial status while Argentina made the great leap forward to the status of an advanced nation with an expanding industrial base and sophisticated commerce.

1 comment:

  1. Si siguen teniendo gobiernos estatistas (léase, Bush, Obama, Clinton, bah republicanos o demócratas) en lugar de libertarios la respuesta es sí.


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