Aug 5, 2009


No se pierdan esta columna de Richard Rahn en Cato sobre el nivel de disparate con el que se están manejando los políticos en EEUU:

Congressional "logic" could also be applied to housing.

Why not knock down all houses built in America before 2000 and replace them with new and more energy-efficient houses? Wait -- we already evidenced the results of that experiment -- it happened in New Orleans. Rather than the government directly knocking down the houses, Hurricane Katrina did it for us. Are the people of New Orleans better off or worse off because of Katrina? Are all of the American taxpayers who footed much of the rebuilding cost -- hundreds of billions of dollars -- better off or worse off because of Katrina?

Many in Congress argue that the reason New Orleans is still a mess is because of federal, state and local government mismanagement and corruption. Yes, but now don't they want the government to run the health care system? And these folks are telling us that their new medical system will cover more people, will cost less, give us better care and not add to the budget deficit -- hmmm. Fantasyland!


  1. Esa gente no entiende nada, como los que dicen que la guerra reactiva la economía... no leyeron o no entendieron a Bastiat. Nada bueno puede salir de destruir riqueza, sean autos, casas o calefones.


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