Aug 19, 2009

Más sobre el “modelo nórdico”.

Ya lo dije varias veces por acá, los países nórdicos tienen políticas socialistas porque son ricos, no son ricos por ser socialistas. Pretender aplicar políticas socialistas en países pobres es condenarlos a serlo para siempre:

Many prosperous nations in Western Europe have large welfare states. This leads unsophisticated observers to sometimes assume that high tax rates and high levels of government spending do not hinder growth. Indeed, they sometimes even conclude that bigger government somehow facilitates growth. …This analysis puts the cart before the horse. It is possible for a nation to become rich and then adopt a welfare state. …A poor nation that adopts the welfare state, however, is unlikely to ever become rich. Before the 1960s, Nordic nations had modest levels of taxation and spending. They also enjoyed—and still enjoy—laissez-faire policies and open markets in other areas. These are the policies that enabled Nordic nations to prosper for much of the 20th century. Once their countries became rich, politicians in Nordic nations focused on how to redistribute the wealth that was generated by private-sector activity. This sequence is important. Nordic nations became rich, and then government expanded. This expansion of government has slowed growth, but slow growth for a rich nation is much less of a burden than slow growth in a poor nation.

1 comment:

  1. Tal cual... no se sale de pobre repartiendo miseria, sino creando riqueza (que se reparte sola).


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