Sep 16, 2009

King Makers

Más sobre el sesgo de la prensa seria de EEUU. No se pierdan esta columna. Vale la pena leer todo (visto en CBP):

In other words, across five decades of American journalistic history, the instinct of many Old Media institutions -- specifically including NBC and the New York Times -- has been to deliberately withhold the truth. To quite deliberately use their journalism skills and tools to misrepresent those whose politics they do not favor.

Were this, say, the field of medicine, practitioners of this kind of thing would lose their license to practice, sued for and surely convicted of malpractice. As it is, the examples listed here are what might be termed "media malpractice," evidencing a clear and convincing pattern of deceit.

1 comment:

  1. Qué buena perspectiva verlo compararlo con una mala praxis médica.

    Lamentablemente, de lo que se queja esa persona, es de lo mismo que se quejan los K (e inmunda banda) acá en Argentina.

    La única solución es educar al soberano para que la menor cantidad posible de gente sea devorada por la misinformation, y que hayan anticuerpos sociales para "penar" esa mala praxis con mecanismos de mercado.



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