Mar 14, 2009

Mark Steyn también le da con un caño a The Economist:

What kind of argument is that? It's not necessary to have lived in Europe or affected Euro-habits (and, incidentally, Senator Kerry's French is lousy) to wish to inflict European-style government on America. Europeanism is like Communism: the less time you've spent living it in practice the better disposed you are to it in theory. In the same way, few of those Americans who want to introduce Canadian-style health care to the U.S. have ever had surgery at the Royal Victoria. Indeed, America is full of immigrants whose hostility to Euro-Canadian public policy derives explicitly from their prolonged exposure to it.

Ya lo dije varias veces por acá. En una época me parecía excelente. No me queda claro si se volvieron progres o si siempre lo fueron y yo me avivé.

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