Oct 16, 2009

Suicidio colectivo

No se pierdan esta columna de Phelim McAleer, uno de los productores de "Not Evil Just Wrong” y el periodista que expulsó Al Gore de la rueda de prensa por hacerle preguntas no acordes a la corrección progre.

Parece mentira que todavía haya tanta gente que tome en serio al chanta de cuarta de Gore:

Wealthy environmental elites like Ed Begley Jr., who is featured in our documentary "Not Evil Just Wrong," think that is just fine. They love to tell everyone how "happy" people are in the Third World, where poverty, disease and premature deaths are common. But if they really loved it, they would move themselves and their families to Fiji and burn all of their passports.

Instead, environmentalists live comfortably, flying around the world telling other people they should forsake air travel and drive cars that cost as much as many people pay for a place to live. All the while, the environmentalists try to scare people with stories about dying polar bears and lemurs.

1 comment:

  1. hablando de izquierda hipocrita, que tal Noemi?


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