Dec 10, 2011

Políticamente incorrecto

Eso no se dice Newt, pero mirá que sos bravo eh...

JERUSALEM — Palestinian officials are reacting with dismay to Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich’s statement that they are an “invented” people.

The Jewish Channel on Friday released excerpts of an interview in which the former House speaker says Palestinians were not a people because they never had a state, and because they were part of the Ottoman Empire before Israel’s creation.

In the interview, he says President Barack Obama’s effort to treat Palestinians as the same as the Israelis is “favoring the terrorists.”


  1. Nota al marge: Newt tiene un PhD en historia, así que aunque caiga mal, un librito el tipo se ha leído.

  2. La traducción de "This post has been removed by a blog administrator" sería algo como... te agarró la MCB.

    Si los demás dejan que un forro como vos se pasee libremente por aquí, problema de ellos. A mi con propaganda pro-palestina y frases cortadas de libros, no, y menos en el anonimato. Andá a dormir que es tarde.


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